Rollup Summary for Lookup relationship in Salesforce

We know that we can create rollup summary fields for master-detail relationships on salesforce platform. But, there might be a situation where we need rollup summary details for lookup relationship as well. There is no out-of-the-box functionality for this scenario and we have to implement a custom solution for it. Also, this is the most common scenario question asked in salesforce code challenges. We have four types of rollup summary i.e., COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX. Let's go through an exampl…

Lightning Modal - Reusable custom modal component

Finally, the long overdue to add this to my blog came to an end. We often use modals for various custom functionalities. But, everytime we have to get the code from lightning design system as we don't have lightning base component for it. So, I built a base modal component which can be reused like other lightning base components. It supports all the features mentioned in lightning design system . Also, it can be used as Prompt . To use this in your org, create an lwc component named &…

LWC Datatable - Lookup and Picklist supported editable lightning datatable

I have written my first post about Picklist supported editable lightning datatable in lightning aura components and since then I have been asked how to add lookup field to it and how to make row selection consistent along with pagination. I was also thinking to convert the old one from aura to lwc and cover the above functionalities. So, here I am posting the lightning datatable which supports lookup and picklist fields in edit mode and row selection consistency along with the pagination . …

Dynamic Actions - How to fix custom lightning quick actions visibility issue on feed tracking enabled Case?

Recently, I came to know through my colleague that the custom lightning quick actions will not be displayed on the standard highlights panel when we enable feed tracking on Case object. These custom quick actions will be moved to the chatter feed actions layout(see image 1) which is weird to see (I wonder why salesforce implemented it this way). Anyway, they have released beta version of dynamic actions as part of Winter'21 release to solve this issue. When feed tracking is enabled for C…

Lightning Spinner - Reusable lightning spinner with custom message or text

This is an extension of the standard lightning-spinner with a custom message shown along with the spinner. It supports all of the features supported by lightning-spinner along with the custom message which is supported for sizes small, medium and large only. Default values: size="medium" variant="base" message="Loading..." Use this in any lightning component like below. <c-spinner variant="brand"></c-spinner> <c-spinner size=&…

LWC Multi Lookup - Reusable lightning multi lookup component

In my previous post, I have written about the reusable lookup lwc component. This post is an extension to it i.e., building reusable multi-lookup lwc component. This reusable multi-lookup component can be used on any lightning web/aura components. multiLookup.html <template> <div class="slds-combobox_container" onmouseleave={hideOptions}> <div class={comboBoxClass} aria-expanded={comboExpanded} aria-haspopup="listbox" role="combobox&q…

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